You may notice this noise when you move your hamster into your home for the first time although they might also vocalise in this way at any time that theyre feeling agitated. What do your hamsters sounds mean. Hamster Sand Bath Guide Squeaks And Nibbles When a hamster is happy they make short squeaks. . Hamsters are unique so whilst one hamster may squeal in delight another may do it out of fright. But i just want to know what it means. The occasional squeak however should not be. What does she mean or want. Hamsters buzz when they vibrate which they do when nervous or cold. Thats why its important to pay attention to. Similarly a soft version would mean it is relishing the company of another hamster. For instance when a hamster has been running in their wheel for a while and finally decides to stop they will often make this noise. Many of these sounds are brief and unrecognizable to the human ear. ...